We can do better. We must do better!

Enough is enough, the use of plastic and other toxic packaging is not only destroying human health, it is destroying the planet. 

Take The Pledge Today!

What We Do Different!

  • We refuse to use plastic packaging. Period.
  • We have dedicated research to studying the best options for your health and the health of our planet.
  • We make regular donations to scientific research focused on health and sustainability.
  • We are on the fast track to net zero fossil fuel dependability, utilizing 100% Solar Energy, with projections of completion by 2029. In 2020 we completely ceased the use of Propane, Gas and Kerosene.

Why Do We Use Glass?

We use glass over other materials for many reasons, including do to the effect other materials have on the environment and human health. Many materials such as paper for example, which is often used for tea bags and tea packaging, Contain toxic chemicals both naturally and as a part of the manufacturing process. The use of paper products is also one of the top causes of deforestation, climate change and the destruction of the world’s forest. 

We use glass made from desert sand that would otherwise be considered useless, which means the manufacturing of our glass has little to no effect on the health of the planet. Our glass is completely inert and contains no toxic elements such as Lead or Chromium, which is often found in other glass products; this means it is the healthiest option for our customers and our planet.

learn why we use desert sand

“As a person who grew up in the Missouri woodlands, I have seen the change in the land. Great forest where I once played as a child, are now gone forever.”

~ Brook & Barrel Lead Farmer – Preston Barnes 


  1. Health Impact: Paper is made from trees, which naturally contain and emit formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen. Wood dust is listed as a human carcinogen for this reason by the National Cancer Institute.  Paper packaging can also contain toxic chemicals as a result of the manufacturing process including:  PFAS, Chorine Bleach, Formaldehyde and Hypochlorous acid.
  2. Environmental Impact: Paper product production is one of top causes of deforestation, climate change and the destruction of the world’s forest.


  1. Health Impact: Plastic contains harmful chemicals like BPA’s, Phthalates, Heavy Metals, PFAS and Toxic Flame Retardants. Scientific Research has proven these chemicals are Human Toxins. Though some agencies have pushed to debunk this research, by stating these chemicals only end up in food at low levels, they do not deny the chemicals themselves are toxic.
  2. Environmental Impact: It can take plastic up to 500 years to decompose. Securing the raw materials to make plastic, the product itself and the process to create it, causes a nearly irreversible strain on the planet’s health, that far outweighs the benefits. Plastic Production has been the number one cause of global pollution for decades. 


  1. Health Impact: Many metals used in tea packaging such as Aluminum & Tin, which is a staple in old tea containers, are toxic and can leach heavy metals into the product, effecting taste and quality. Nearly all tea bags and bulk teas are packaged in tin or aluminum foil. Evidence strongly suggest these elements are toxic to humans. Aluminum for example, has been proven to be a link to Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
  2. Environmental Impact: Entire ecosystems are destroyed do to the mining of heavy metals. Mining efforts cause deforestation, erosion, alteration of soil and contamination of local streams and wetlands


  1. Health Impact: Glass is 100% inert and has no affect of any kind on human health. As long as the glass is made without toxic metals like lead and chromium, it can have no possible affect on the product or consumer. Glass is considered the safest material on earth for product storage, which is why it is used in Chemistry Classrooms, Microbiology Labs and Hospitals. In fact, in the past Glass was once almost exclusively used in product storage because of it’s inert properties.
  2. Environmental Impact: Glass made with Desert Sand, like those used by Brook & Barrel Farms, has little to no affect on the environment and, with good recycling practices, it is actually the best choice for improving the health of the planet. 

What Can You Do?

Pledge only to use products that are packaged in glass or nontoxic, sustainable materials. Your pledge will make a difference, more than you can know, in helping save the planet. It will also help to improve your health, the health of the public and will even increase your lifespan.
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